There aren’t really any gear stores near the Cal Salmon. If you are coming from the California coast near Arcata, there are a few outdoor gear stores, and before you turn off I-5, you can stop in Redding to grab a few items.
Northern Mountain Supply: Arcata, 800-878-3583. Several brands and camping equipment, even dry bags are available here.
There is also a store called Picky, Picky, Picky in Arcata. They don’t have a website, but get rave reviews. They have plenty of camping gear, Carhartts, and other outdoor clothing. 600 E St. Eureka, CA 95501. (707) 444-9201.
Redding Sports Ltd. Loads of outdoor equipment, although not necessarily kayak or raft-specific. (530) 221-7333. 950 Hilltop Drive, Redding, CA 96003.
Online Options
Cascade Outfitters: has an online directory and catalogue of everything whitewater you need. New and used rafts, kayaks and camping gear. (800) 223-RAFT.
River Connection is another good online resource for whitewater rafting and kayak gear. There is a huge selection of boats. They have camping and fishing gear also.

Debate: Dry Suit or Wetsuit
If you plan on doing a fair amount of cold weather boating, and you are not a seal, you might want to buy a piggy bank and start saving all your pennies to purchase a dry suit. Wetsuits are usually plenty warm, but there is nothing so great as getting out of your drysuit at the end of a long, cold, day and being, well, dry. If you do decide to splurge, get a pee zipper!
Online Retail Gear Shops Great named brand gear at affordable prices. Visit a retail store or shop online.
Altrec’s Outlet Warehouse: 30-60% Off : Huge discounts on named brand gear from Patagonia, The North Face, Marmot and more.