REI’s and river gear stores are not exactly flourishing in this remote region of Northern California, so your best bet is to actually be prepared before you go. For last minute shopping options either in Redding or Arcata, check out the following locations.
Northern Mountain Supply: Arcata, 800-878-3583. Several brands and camping equipment, even dry bags are available here.
There is also a store called Picky, Picky, Picky in Arcata. They don’t have a website, but get rave reviews. They have plenty of camping gear, Carhartts, and other outdoor clothing. 600 E St. Eureka, CA 95501. (707) 444-9201.
Redding Sports Ltd. Loads of outdoor equipment, although not necessarily kayak or raft-specific. (530) 221-7333. 950 Hilltop Drive, Redding, CA 96003.

River Lingo
One of the most important pieces of equipment on any summertime river trip is a pair of sunglasses, and the best way to keep them on your noggin is a strap.” What do we call this strap?” You might ask. Although some people may simply call it a strap, the proper terminology in the river world would be either chums or croakies.
Online Options
Cascade Outfitters: has an online directory and catalogue of everything whitewater you need. New and used rafts, kayaks and camping gear. (800) 223-RAFT.
River Connection is another good online resource for whitewater rafting and kayak gear. There is a huge selection of boats. They have camping and fishing gear also.
More Online Retail Gear Shops Great named brand gear at affordable prices. Visit a retail store or shop online.
Altrec’s Outlet Warehouse: 30-60% Off : Huge discounts on named brand gear from Patagonia, The North Face, Marmot and more.